Monday, April 28, 2014

New addition to our little family

Mr Taro and I recently adopted a cat, it has been two months so far and I have grown to love the cat so much (: It took us months of deliberation and I researched so much on taking care of a cat to convince myself that I am ready and suited for the 15-20 year old commitment; sorta like a research project ;p. 

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of cats and am terribly afraid of getting scratched. But Mr Taro's love for cats is evident and we decided to give it a go. We started off with visiting SPCA and stalking catwelfare and other groups for abandoned/stray cats. I contacted a few fosterers and shortlisted a few for Mr Taro's consideration. In the end, it was Nicci that caught Mr Taro's eye and we went for a 5 weeks trial adoption for TWO sibling cats much to my apprehensiveness. 

We decided for a permanent adoption for Nickel instead..mostly due to his personality which is more suited for our busy working life. It was a difficult decision especially for the Mr Taro but personally, I feel that two cats are too much for us to handle for now :(

Meet Nickel, the handsome cat.

Photos of Nicci and Nickel during the trial adoption period
They were as frightened as me initially ;p

Enjoying the air con breeze lol. 

They will sprint back to the room once there were movements outside.